NAEA DSAE Interest Group Collaboration with the International Disability Studies, Arts and Education (iDSAE)
Kallio-Tavin, M. & Wexler, A. (2023). In the National Art Education News.
Editorial of the thematic issue on independence of art and science
Sushchenko, O. & Kallio-Tavin, M. (2022). Research in Arts and Education, 2/2022, 1-3. https://doi.org/10.54916/rae.125386
Responsibility in/with/for arts and artistic practices
Aktaş, B. M., Kallio-Tavin, M., Mäkelä, M. (2022). Editorial. RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research, nr 18. Journal in the Research Catalogue.
Hopeful art education
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2022). Editorial. In N. Kalin, M. Kallio-Tavin, S. Klein & A. Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 18(2).
Vulnerable art education
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2022). Editorial. In Nadine Kalin, Mira Kallio-Tavin, Sheri Klein & Alexandra Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 18(1).
Touching/Transforming: Notes Towards Collective Critical Artistic Research Practices and Processes
Bäckman, F., Close, R., Godin, M.-A., Kallio-Tavin, M., Akbar M., A., Qureshi, A., Rahaa, S. (2021). Research in arts and education, 4/2021, 1-18.
Critical Artistic Research and Arts Practices as Forms of (Radical) Care
Godin, M.-A., Kallio-Tavin, M. & Qureshi, A. (2021). Editorial of the special issue on Critical artistic research as practices of care, in Research in arts and education (4/2021), I-VII.
InSEAn globaalit kuulumiset
[The global news of InSEA]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2021). Iso Kuva [The great picture]. https://isokuva.net/kategoria/blogiteksti-mira-kallio-tavin-insean-globaalit-kuulumiset/
Re-turning Education through Art
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2021). Editorial. In Nadine Kalin, Mira Kallio-Tavin, Sheri Klein & Alexandra Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 17(3).
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2021). Editorial. In Nadine Kalin, Mira Kallio-Tavin, Sheri Klein & Alexandra Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 17(2).
InSEA’s vision of 2050: Futures of Education. Response to the UNESCO Futures of Education Consultation Submitted by the NGO: International Society for Education through Art (InSEA)
Coleman, K., Silverman, J., Coutts, G., Kallio-Tavin, M., Eca, T., Pataky, G., ElShaikh, S., Bodkin, P. & Khalil, S. (2020). https://www.insea.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Response-to-the-UNESCO-Futures-of-Education-Consultation.pdf
Organizing the 2nd international disability studies, arts and education conference and looking to the future
Kallio-Tavin, M. & Stichter L. (2020). Research in Arts and Education, 4/2020, 1-9.
National news report: Art Education in Finland in 2020
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). InSEA ERC newsletter, November 2020.
Researching through artistic research and arts practices: Part II
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). Editorial in the Research in Arts and Education, 3/2020, i-ii.
The (quaran)timeliness of art educational inquiry
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2020). Editorial. In N. Kalin, M. Kallio-Tavin, S. Klein & A. Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 16(3).
Mental health in the time of COVID-19
Allen, A. & Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). In the National Art Education News.
The first DSAE dissertation award: The Art of Egress
Koivisto, M. & Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). In the National Art Education News.
Researching through artistic research and arts practices: Part I
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). Editorial in the Research in Arts and Education, 2/2020, i-iii.
Thinking through ways of art education
Kalin, N., Kallio-Tavin, M., Klein, S. & Lasczik, A. (2020). Editorial. In N. Kalin, M. Kallio-Tavin, S. Klein & A. Lasczik (eds.), The International Journal of Education through Art 16(2).
Expanding the international conversation on Disability Studies, Arts and Education
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). In the National Art Education News, 62(1), 28.
Disability Studies as a site of knowledge in art education
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2020). Editorial. In M. Kallio-Tavin (ed.), The International Journal of Education through Art 16(1), 3-11.
Disability, art, justice and intersectionality
Wexler, A. & Kallio-Tavin, M. (2019). Editorial. IMAG journal # 8, i-vi. http://www.insea.org/publications/imag
Borderless: Global narratives in art education
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2019). In Kallio-Tavin M. (ed.), Special issue in SYNNYT/ORIGIN, Finnish Studies in Art Education, (4/2019), i-v.
Art practice and artistic research as site of knowledge for art education
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2019). https://files.cercomp.ufg.br/weby/up/778/o/MIRA_KALLIO-TAVIN___Art_practice_and_artistic_research_as_site_of_knowledge_for_art_education_091009.pdf
How to include disability studies in art curriculum
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2019). In the National Art Education News, 61(5), 28.
Introductions to scientific and social interventions in art education
Kallio-Tavin, M. & Sushchenko, O. (2019). Editorial. In M. Kallio-Tavin & O. Sushchenko (eds.), Special issue on InSEA Congress 2018: Scientific and social interventions in art education. SYNNYT/ORIGIN, Finnish Studies in Art Education, (2/2019), i-x.
Taidekasvatus kulttuurisessa kohtaamisessa – Millaisia välineitä taidekasvatuksella on antaa?
[Art education in a cultural encountering – What kinds of tools can art education offer?]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2018). AV-Arkki: http://mediataidekasvattaa.fi/oppimateriaalit/kenen-kulttuuri-2/artikkelit/artikkeli-mira-kallio-tavin-taidekasvatus-kulttuurisessa-kohtaamisessa-millaisia-valineita-taidekasvatuksella-on-antaa/
Candy and Cake: Criticizing Finnish and Nordic Whiteness
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2018). In the 5th Conference on Arts Based Research and Artistic Research. Provoking Research and Social Intervention. Published as territoconference full paper. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/62cb70_cc883e9a0106466d8475d9f20c059f4f.pdf
Senior editor’s commentary
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2018). SYNNYT/ORIGIN, Finnish Studies in Art Education, (2/2018), 1-2.
More conversation on Disability Studies, Arts and Education
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2018). In the National Art Education News, 60(1), 26.
Monilukutaito – Mitä se on? Marjo Räsänen, Visuaalisen kulttuurin monilukutaito
[Multiliteracy – What is it? Marjo Räsänen. Multiliteracy book of visual culture]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2017). Kulttuurintutkimus [Journal on Cultural research] 4/2017. http://www.kulttuurintutkimus.fi/lehti/pdf/KT_4_2017_verkkoekstra_Kallio_Tavin.pdf
Arts-based and artistic research meets communities
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2017). In M. Kallio-Tavin (ed.), Rethinking arts-based & artistic research – and global/local communities. Editorial of the special issue in SYNNYT/ORIGIN, Finnish Studies in Art Education, (1/2017), i-iv.
Omat kuvat ja visuaalinen kulttuuri
[Own images and visual culture]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2017). Opetushallituksen verkkopalvelu, Edu.fi. [Publications of the Board of Education, Finland]. http://www.edu.fi/perusopetus/kuvataide/ops2016_tukimateriaalit/omat_kuvakulttuurit_ja_visuaalinen_kulttuurikasvatus
Yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen
[Making a societal difference]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2017). Opetushallituksen verkkopalvelu, Edu.fi. [Publications of the Board of Education, Finland]. http://www.edu.fi/perusopetus/kuvataide/ops2016_tukimateriaalit/yhteiskunnallinen_vaikuttaminen
Challenges and opportunities for Finnish art education in a European and global context
Kallio-Tavin, M. & Tavin, K. (2015). In Â. Saldanha, C. Trigo, M. J. Agra Pardinas & T. Torres de Eca (eds.), Risks and Opportunities for Visual Arts Education in Europe, 306-307. APECV.
(Col)Laborative Art in Rehabilitation Center
Heimonen, K., Kallio-Tavin, M., Pusa, T. (2015). http://3c.nea.fba.up.pt/sites/3c.nea.fba.up.pt/files/FINAL_porto_article_H_K-T_P_Final_101214.pdf (conference proceeding)
Claims, arguments, and challenges in Finnish arts-based educational research methodologies
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2014). In M. Viadel, J. Roldán & M. Molinet (eds.), Foundations, criteria and contexts in arts based research and artistic research, 93-100. University of Granada. http://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/34212#.VNT7UCQ72mE
What does the space want from us?
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2013). In I. Jääskeläinen, H. Ohtonen & S. Väliheikki (eds.), What does it mean to have (this) space? NODE: nodegallery@aalto.fi
Rikasta ja ääretöntä – Taidekasvatuksen kansainvälisiä tutkimusvirtauksia hahmottamassa
[Rich and infinitive – Beginning to understand the international research threads of art education]
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2013). Stylus (9/2013). Helsinki: Kuvataideopettajat ry.
Lectio: Encounterin self, other and the third
Kallio-Tavin, M. (2013). SYNNYT/ORIGIN Taiteen Tiedonala. Finnish Studies in Art Education, (2/2013), 32-38. https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/Synnyt/Home
Uusia suuntia taidekasvattajien koulutukseen
[New directions to the art educators’ training]
Kallio, M. (2009). Stylus 2/2009, 21-23. Kuvataideopettajat ry.
Art as a place of encounter of surroundings as experienced / Taide eletyn ympäristön kohtaamisen paikkana
Kallio, M. (2008). In U. Leino (ed.), Jaana Saario, läpivalaisu. Kuvataiteellisen prosessin jälkiä. Salo: Salon taidemuseo.
Taiteen ja autismin vuorovaikutus – tutkimusta maalaamalla
[The dialogue of art and autism – researching through painting]
Kallio, M. (2006). Autismi, (5/2006). Helsinki: Autismi- ja aspergerliitto ry Authors, and the other information
Rajatilassa. Kuvan ja tutkimuksen paikka InSEAn kongressissa
[In the in-between space. The role of the image and research in InSEA conference]
Kallio, M. (2006). Suomen InSEA ry:n jäsentiedote, 1-2/2006, 36-39. http://arted.uiah.fi/insea/0InSEA1-206.pdf
InSEA ja kulttuurien välinen kohtaaminen
[InSEA and cultural encountering]
Kallio, M. (2004). Stylus. 1/2004, 23-25. Kuvataideopettajat ry.