Art, Excess, and Education: Historical and Discursive Contexts
Tavin, Kevin, Kallio-Tavin, Mira, Ryynänen, Max (2019). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN 978-3-030-21827-0)
This book concentrates on the deep historical, political, and institutional relationships between art, education, and excess. Going beyond field specific discourses of art history, art criticism, philosophy, and aesthetics, it explores how the concept of excess has been important and enduring from antiquity through contemporary art, and from early film through the newer interactive media. Examples considered throughout the book focus on disgust, grandiosity, sex, violence, horror, disfigurement, endurance, shock, abundance, and emptiness, and frames them all within an educational context. Together they provide theories and classificatory systems, historical and political interpretations of art and excess, examples of popular culture, and suggestions for the future of educational practice.
Conversations on Finnish art education
Kallio-Tavin, Mira & Pullinen, Jouko (eds.) (2015). Helsinki: Aalto University publication series: Art+Design+Architecture 5/2015. (ISBN 978-952-6061-58-0)
Art education exists on the borderlines of the global and local. The last 100 years of Finnish art education are no exception and belong to the wider international research field. The history and evolving practices of Finnish art education interact with paradigms of international art education. Conversations on Finnish art education consists of writings by Finnish, European, and North American scholars. It presents international topics that resonate with current issues in Finnish art education. Chapters address what it means to be a contemporary Finnish art educator in a global context. The book also gives concrete examples of international collaborative projects.
Kesken-erillään: taiteessa altistumisesta
Heimonen, Kirsi, Kallio-Tavin, Mira & Pusa Tiina (2015). Helsinki: Aalto University Publication series: Art+Design+Architecture 2/2015. (ISBN 978-952-60-6069-9)
Taidetyöpajat muodostavat empiirisen alustan, vuorovaikutuskentän ja peilin kolmen taiteilija-tutkija-pedagogin eettisfilosofiselle keskustelulle. Kolmikko irrottautuu ns. yhteisötaiteen vakiintuneista diskursseista (taide parantaa, hoitaa yms.) ja luo perustoiltaan vaihtoehtoista ja radikaalia toimintafilosofiaa. Pääosassa on kolmikon kehittelytyö, jota viitoittaa kansainvälinen eettisfilosofinen keskustelu. Taidetyöpajat muodostivat maaston, jossa kokeilla ja koetella toisille altistumista, ei-tietäväisenä ja jossa harjoittaa ruumiillisen tiedon jäljittämistä ja sanoittamista.
Kuvis sata. Kuvataideopettajien koulutus 1915-2015
Pohjakallio, Pirkko & Kallio-Tavin, Mira (eds.) (2015). Helsinki: Aalto University publication series: Art+Design+Architecture / Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja: Taide+Muotoilu+Arkkitehtuuri 5/2015. (ISBN 978-952-6061-60-3)
Dialogues for sustainable design and art pedagogy: Nantes, Milan, Helsinki
Niinimäki, Kirsi & Kallio-Tavin, Mira (eds.) (2013). Helsinki: Aalto University Publication series: Art+Design+Architecture 1/2013. (ISBN 978-952-5059-1)
The AH-DEsign project brings together participatory design and art education through different workshops and interventions with local communities, such as ageing and empathy, and system design and urban design. The purpose of the collaborative project is to explore intergenerational dialogue as a source for sustainable solutions in our ageing European society. As part of a design process, it introduces new ideas of participatory design, radical art pedagogy, and accessible TANGO exhibitions. Collaboration included individual and local stakeholders, such as school pupils and their grandparents, and local cultural partners such as museums.
Encountering self, Other and the third. Researching the crossroads of art pedagogy, Levinasian ethics and disability studies
Kallio-Tavin, Mira (2013). Doctoral dissertation. Helsinki: Aalto University Press, 63/2013. (ISBN 978-952-60-5122-2)